Hundreds of millions of pounds are wasted every year on unused giftcards in the UK, which businesses are simply profiting from.
Therefore, it is important that you either use or sell your giftcards for cash before they expire.
This article will investigate the different ways of selling giftcards in the UK.
You may have used Zeek in the past, which was a leading giftcards selling site. However, this site went into receivership leaving many out of pocket.
Cardyard Review
I now suggest using Cardyard for your giftcard sales in the UK. I researched many websites, including place4giftcards, Zapper, and Cardyard.
However, I found that Cardyard was the only site in which you are able to actually sell giftcards.

The site requires that you sell giftcards within their allowed list, which can be searched here.
Although, the selection is very wide in my testing, so I don’t expect that you will have any trouble selling whichever UK cards you have.
The site allows for e-giftcards as well as physical giftcards to be sold.
It is worth mentioning that e-gifcards and physical cards which have their pin revealed, require a 14 day quarantine period. So you will have to wait a bit longer for these, although it was very convenient to not need to post anything!
This is to protect the buyer, and allow them to use the giftcard so that Cardyard can protect the transaction.
Cardyard allows you to select whether you wish to paid in cash, directly to your bank account, or credit, which you can use to purchase other giftcards on the site.
If you do select to be paid in credit, you will be paid a slightly higher amount, which means this may well be worthwhile.
I have used the service to sell a spare Argos e-giftcard, which I purchased from the Complete Savings (review) giftcard store.
The card value was £100 and I sold it for £83 on Cardyard, which is a significant discount.
However, the service was very easy to use. I simply emailed the voucher to Cardyard, and after the two weeks quarantine, I was paid directly into my bank account very promptly.

Can you sell giftcards for cash on eBay?
Yes, under the Vouchers Policy, you can sell giftcards on eBay in the UK provided they are no more than £100 worth in a 30 day period.
However, it is generally advised against selling these on your own through sites such as eBay, due to the risk of fraud.
It is very hard to prove that a giftcard has been used by the buyer. Sites such as Cardyard have special protections for this, protecting the buyer and seller.
You may decide that the risk is worthwhile, as you will likely be able to earn slightly more by selling on eBay.
Note that these dangers are even worse on platforms such as Facebook marketplace or gumtree, as they have less protection when compared with eBay.